The idea of Solasta (Gaelic; adj - luminous, shining) came about at the end of the COVID pandemic, when it was made abundantly clear that mental health needs to be prioritized now more than ever. We recognize that an individual's mental health is an intricate fusion of their mind, body, and spirit, interconnected elements that shape our overall wellness.
In this rapidly evolving world, where the rhythms of life have grown increasingly frenetic, we've witnessed a surge in stress, a reliance on excessive caffeine consumption, chronic sleep deprivation, inadequate nourishment, and mounting concerns about weight management. The strains of modern life have cast shadows over our well-being, over the light that resides within each one of us. Our vision extends beyond the confines of the clinic; it extends to our collective societal well-being.
Solasta, more than a place, embodies that philosophy — Mind. Body. Spirit. — one that asks us to restore the balance between our inner selves and the external demands of our bodies. We aspire to be your guide on this transformative journey, toward the vibrant radiance that is rightfully yours.
Just as the sun radiates its brilliance, we strive for Solasta to be a source of inner illumination, a space where each person can reconnect with their own light and embark on a journey of self-care and discovery.

"There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in."
― Leonard Cohen